Has there ever been days where you didn't want to do something but yet you had to anyways? Maybe you were put in a position where you felt uncomfortable or you didn't know what to expect. Every day us as humans perform daily routine work of some sort, but yet every day we may not exactly "want" to do it. Thats when the words, "Make the best of it," comes into play.
This past week I started back into the routine of college classes coming away from a long and wonderful summer break spent on the beach, with my friends and family, etc. Needless to say I was not the happiest girl in the world when it came to thinking about taking notes again, homework 24/7, projects, papers, mono-tone lecture classes... You get the picture. It took me about half of the summer to finally sit back and realize, "Hey, you have to take classes and go to college anyways; therefore why not make the best of it while you can?" When I think about making the best of my college career I think about meeting new friends, making lots of memories, enjoying everything WCU has to offer, and taking advantage of all the academic opportunities. Everyone has their own opinion of what college life should be, and that's totally fine! In my opinion, that is what makes college life so fun, exciting, and spontaneous at times. If everyone all had the same opinion on how to spend their college years, I would almost bet that it wouldn't be too exciting.
When I say, "Make the best of it," I'm not only talking about college students being forced to go to class. Yes, that is pure torture sometimes. Those words can apply to almost ANYTHING! Maybe it's being forced to talk to someone you don't know? Maybe it's moving to a new area for a job and having to meet new friends? As I stated earlier, maybe it's just doing something you absolutely do not want to do or you are uncomfortable with? As scary as all those things may seem, I can promise you that whatever happens will work out for the best and as it is intended to. Doing things that you don't necessarily want to do and are uncomfortable with may lead to something absolutely wonderful in return. How cool would that be? Then you can sit back and reflect on how one initial "scary" thing or situation turned into such a blessing, great opportunity, etc...
One main thing that helps me get through uncomfortable situations or through things that I do not initially want to do is God. I strongly believe that God has things happen for a reason, whether we understand them or not, and that He would never put us in any position that He didn't already have planned for us. As hard as it is to remember sometimes, God has His own plan for us and our future. And yes, I can go ahead and tell you that it's probably a little different from our own plan but I can 150% guarantee you that it's MUCH better. If you choose to not "Make the best of it" in a situation, just think... You may be missing out on something that is part of God's plan. I don't know about you, but I would much rather tough things out sometimes and try to stick with the guidance from Him throughout my life. No matter the time, place, who you're with, or whatever you can always turn to God. Despite guidance from anyone else, whether it's your parents or friends, He will always show you the way. However, it's your job to be the trooper and tough things out to get you where He wants you to be.
>>> "Many are the plans in a person's heart,
but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." -Proverbs 12:21 <<<
xoxo - Savannah