So, the title of this blog is pretty self explanatory and I'm sure you can go ahead and guess what it's going to be about.... living in the moment. Do you live in the moment 99.9% of the time? Or do you tend to get lost in the chaotic world of who's dating who, social media, gossip, TV shows, life in general, need I continue? Lately this topic has been heavy on my mind due to me being one of the very many "suckers" of falling into our crazy and hectic daily lives without stopping and REALLY taking in what is happening around you and what all you are blessed with.
I will start off by saying that my life is literally the definition of "hectic" and even sometimes "stressful." I just received an internship, which I'm incredibly blessed to have, go to class at Western two days a week, work at a vet's office in Arden, and not to mention make time for my friends, family, boyfriend, school work, etc. Run on sentence, I know. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, but don't you get how I can sometimes get caught up in what all I'm dealing with and not stop to ever smell the roses or even make time for myself? Well it was just a few days ago I had several small occurrences that made me realize how truly blessed I am and how it's so easy to take those things for granted. Funny this is, those blessings have been in my life for awhile now and it took me this long to take a step back and soak it all in? I mean, I obviously think about it regularly as well but like realllllly soak it all in and think about it. Give thanks to God for it. I mean, He was the one who put that blessing in my life, right?
For example, one of the most important blessings in my life is my boyfriend, Bradley. (Don't worry, this isn't some mushy blog about our relationship and love because that's a whole different story!) Anyways, Bradley and I have been together for almost a year now and both of our lives are changing very rapidly due to my future career, him getting a new job, etc. Like I'm talking changing daily! It's safe to say that both of our lives have been very hectic, stressful, and even aggravating sometimes. But the point I'm really trying to get to here is, do I take a minute to stop every day (even a second) and think just how blessed I am to have him be a part of my life? Do I thank God every single day for bringing such a Godly man to me? Do I tell him that all the times I need to or should? Sad thing is, it's the little things in life that you may not think are important, that get put on the back-burner. In reality they should really be a main priority. It was just last night I was sitting in the living room of my house watching "The Bachelor" and I couldn't help but stare at the one I love in the kitchen while he was studying for his state insurance test. I was thinking to myself, "Wow. What did I do to deserve a man like that? And does he know 150% how I feel about him? Do I tell him that I love him enough? Is there a right number for that?" It's obvious that I love him more than the moon and stars itself, but I mean how I truly feel to the "T." When I was talking to Bradley about this blog and what I was going to write about, he said himself that even though we say "I love you" every day doesn't come close to really expressing our feelings and how lucky we are. Long story short, we don't say it enough.
That was just one minor, but major, example of a blessing that has been "covered" up or "pushed to the side" by our crazy daily lives as people. Why do you think that is, you may ask? Well the answer I will continue to go by, coming from a "Godly" woman and based off of my faith, is that the devil is trying to interfere in your life. Why should the devil be happy about a blessing that God has granted upon you? I'm sure the first thing in his mind is how he can intervene or make change! In my opinion, as a christian and "godly" woman it is my responsibility to be thankful for my many blessings, not only to whom it may relate to, but also give continuous praise to the man who gave them to me to begin with.
I'm not saying that the blessings in my life have gone away, because by no means they haven't! I could make a list of 100 blessings that I have in my life right now. Do I think about them every day like I should and give thanks for them? Ha. I wish! And honestly, I really should. I have found that instead of us being thankful for what we have, people are constantly wondering about what is going on around us socially or what we can do next to have "more." Our lives are constantly changing, every second and minute, but our blessings are not.
I would be lying to every single one of you reading this blog, if I said that I was going to be thankful for every single one of my blessings and think about them every day 24/7 and 365 days a year. We all know that is not going to happen! But I am saying that living in the moment of your life is key. Embrace what is going on around you, call someone you love just to tell them how grateful you are to have them, the list can go on and on... Like I said before, I'm sure we are all guilty of not staying accountable for our blessings. But I will end by saying this, God has given us one life to live and it's up to us to love one another unconditionally, be thankful for all we have, stay accountable for our blessings, and make the best of what we have each and every day.
>>> "Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." - Psalms 34:8 <<<
XOXO - Savannah
>>> "Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." - Psalms 34:8 <<<
XOXO - Savannah